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πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ’» About Me

Welcome! I'm Shreya Shankar. I am a machine learning (ML) engineer and computer scientist in the Bay Area.

I am completing my PhD in data management systems for ML, with a human-centered focus. I am fortunate to be advised by Dr. Aditya Parameswaran at UC Berkeley. Go Bears! 🐻

I also consult on ML engineering and production AI strategy for enterprises. Prior to my PhD, I was the first ML engineer at a startup, did research engineering at Google Brain, and engineering at Facebook. Before all of that, I did my BS and MS in computer science at Stanford. Go Trees! 🌲


I study ML and artificial intelligence (AI) engineers and how to build better tools for our community. I am particularly interested in data quality for production AI systems, human-centered ML workflows, and pretty much any other MLOps challenge. I'm working on the following:

Data Management Systems
Human-Computer Interaction

If you are interested in working on any of these projects or collaborating, please contact me via email. In your email, please include which project(s) you are interested in working on, or any of my papers that you found interesting. I am open to undergrads who have taken a databases course and/or a graduate level machine learning course. If you go to UC Berkeley, please mention that in your email. If you have experience working as an ML engineer, data engineer, or data scientist in industry (even as an intern), please mention that as well. I apologize if I am unable to respond to your email in a timely manner.


I am fortunate to work with many talented students at UC Berkeley. Below is a list of students I am currently mentoring or have mentored for a year or more.

Current Students
Past Students


To reach me, you can email I am also on Twitter and Github.

My (typically-outdated) CV is available for download here.